Ministry of Helps (MOH)

Fountain of Love’s ministry of helps is a ministry, first and foremost, of love. The love of God, shown through the power of God’s grace, and evidenced by your works of love and faith, is manifest in both the church and in our local communities. It is because of Ministry of Helps, that we are seeing the fulfillment of vision for Fountain of Love Christian Center.

Ministry of Helps holds up the arms in the ministry and is constant prayer for those in need, and because of this, lives are changed, and prayers are answered.

When people walk through the doors of Fountain of Love, they can feel the spirit of love. And in turn, God increases his blessing upon His people. In the book of James, it says, “Only the doers of the word are blessed.” Fountain of Love’s MOH (ministry of helps) staff are doers of God’s word, and because of that, the blessings of the Lord overtakes His people.

Fountain of Love Christian Center’s Ministry of Helps is a multi-faceted team called and empowered to fulfill the Vision of God. It is composed of church members and leaders who give time, abilities and talents for the work of the ministry.

“They are fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. They are instant in prayer and given to hospitality.”

Romans 2:11-13

Ministry Of Helps (MOH) Core Values “The Five Cs”

Compassionate: “Our Driving Force”
  • —Compassion – is the spiritual connection with human need, suffering, or hurt that stimulates a corrective action to minister to that need, suffering, or hurt in the power of the spirit of God and not human pity.
Conscious: “Our Kingdom Awareness”
  • —Conscious – An awareness of how the Ministry should be represented in any given situation; and the ability to facilitate it in a spirit of excellence.

Competent: “Our Knowledge Base”
  • —Competence – The depth of understanding and experience in relation to the discipline of our areas of service; added to the GRACE bestowed upon us by GOD to serve.
Connected: “Our CRM Strategy”
  • —Connected – The ability to engraft and assimilate converts and members through constant contact.

Consistent “Our Integrity”
  • —Consistent – Our commitment to do what we said when we said we are going to do it, realizing souls lie in the balance when we fail to perform.
Ministry Of Helps News & Events